Disposal and Recycling Options ~ A to Z List
Aerosol Containers: If empty, can be recycled at Winhall Transfer Station; if not empty, should be taken to Household Hazardous Waste collection events.
Alkaline Batteries: Most do not contain Mercury; can be recycled at Staples stores, Home Depot stores, and R.K. Miles stores.
Aluminum Cans/Pans/Foil: Accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station and at redemption centers for deposit cans.
Ammunition: Not accepted at Winhall Transfer Station and cannot be thrown in trash; contact local firearms dealers or
Vermont State Police for disposal options.
Antifreeze: Accepted at Household Hazardous Waste collection events; no fee for residents of Winhall, but businesses will be charged a fee for materials brought to these events.
Appliances: Accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee for appliances containing Freon will be charged.
Asbestos: Accepted at Household Hazardous Waste collection events if properly bagged; no fee for residents of Winhall, but businesses will be charged a fee for materials brought to these events.
Asphalt Shingles: Anticipated recycling program in-progress.
Batteries: Alkaline and rechargeable batteries accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station. Other locations found
here at Call 2 Recycle.
Books: Can be brought to the Winhall Transfer Station Swap Shed or donated to local libraries.
Button Batteries: Contain hazardous materials and should be brought to Household Hazardous Waste collection events and are also accepted at CVS stores, Rite Aid stores, and pharmacies.
Cardboard: Accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station.
Cell Phones: Accepted for recycling as E-Waste at Winhall Transfer Station.
Clean Wood: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station.
Clothing (Textiles): Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station in textile box.
Computers & Peripherals: Accepted for recycling as E-Waste at Winhall Transfer Station.
Construction & Demolition Debris (including Drywall): Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee will be charged.
Electronics: Computers, laptops, monitors, printers, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, game consoles, stereos, fax machines, keyboards, mice, phones, MP3 players, and the like are accepted as E-Waste at the Winhall Transfer Station.
Events: Contact the Town of Winhall for technical assistance with recycling and food sorting at events - townadmin@winhall.org.
Explosives & Fireworks: Not accepted at Winhall Transfer Station and should not be thrown in the trash; contact
Vermont State Police for disposal options.
Food Donations: Can be donated to Winhall-Stratton Community Food Shelf. Contact 802-688-3895 or email winstratfoodshelf@gmail.com. Donations of food may be brought to the Winhall Police Department lobby. The Food Shelf location with "help-yourself" access is in front of the Town Offices at 113/115 Vermont Route 30 in Winhall.
Food Scraps: Can be composted at home or brought to Winhall Transfer Station for composting.
Fluorescent Bulbs: Can be brought to Londonderry Hardware, Sigda Lumber, R.K. Miles stores, and other hardware stores for recycling.
Furniture: Can be brought to Winhall Transfer Station Swap Shed if in good condition or donated.
Glass (Bottles, Jars): Accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station and at redemption centers for deposit cans.
Household Hazardous Waste: Special collection events will be held throughout the year at the Winhall Transfer Station.
Download the Flyer Here.
Leaf & Yard Debris: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station or can be composted at home.
Mattresses: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee may be charged.
Microwaves: Accepted for recycling as E-Waste at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee may be charged.
Motor Oil & Filters: Can be brought to most auto garages and auto parts stores that sell oil.
Paint: Oil-based paints and stains can be brought to Household Hazardous Waste collection events; most paints can be brought to paint stores (Sherwin Williams, R.K. Miles stores) through the PaintCare program:
Paper: Accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station.
Pesticides: Cannot be thrown in trash; should be brought to Household Hazardous Waste collection events.
Plastics: Plastic food and beverage containers #1 PET and #2 HDPE accepted for recycling at Winhall Transfer Station.
Prescription Medicines: Accepted at Winhall Police Department lobby in the prescription collection box.
Propane Tanks: Accepted as scrap metal at Winhall Transfer Station if valve is removed or a hole is made to drain the propane.
Radios & Related Electronics: Accepted for recycling as E-Waste at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee may be charged.
Refrigerators & Air Conditioners: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee will be charged for items containing Freon.
Scrap Metal: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station.
Shoes: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station in textile box.
Styrofoam: Cannot be recycled; please reduce and reuse whenever possible.
Thermostats: Mercury-containing thermostats accepted at Winhall Transfer Station and F.W. Webb stores.
Tires: Accepted at Winhall Transfer Station in tire bin.
Vacuums: Accepted as E-Waste at Winhall Transfer Station; a fee may be charged.