Planning Commission (PC)

115 Vermont Route 30 - Drawer 4
Bondville, VT  05340

Scheduled Meetings:  1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM at Town Hall
Participation in meetings is in-person; alternatively, comments may be provided in writing.

Telephone:  802-297-1820     E-Mail:

The PC is charged with preparing the Town Plan, Official Zoning Map, and Bylaws to implement the Plan, along with their periodic review, amendment or repeal. In general, the PC presides over the adopted Bylaws, holds Public Meetings, and provides for the orderly growth of the Town through an ongoing planning process.

NOTICE:  Participants will be required to attest that they have no known exposure to a person who has Covid in the last 5 days.

The Winhall Planning Commission has cancelled its meeting for July 2, 2024 at 7:30 PM. The next WPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 16th at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall in Bondville. Have a wonderful 4th of July.

Town Plan Update 1-28-24:  The Winhall Town Plan (Plan) is due for renewal in Nov 2024 and to assist with that, the Town of Winhall has received a Municipal Planning Grant awarded and funded by the VT Department of Housing & Community Development.

The WPC in the coming months will undertake a comprehensive review of the Plan to update the community data and rewrite some sections of the Plan to conform to current State requirements.  The first thing the WPC will be working on is a Survey to help gather information about the views of property owners and residents on a wide range of topics.  The Survey will be online, available at the Town Hall, or for those who wish, by US Mail.  The goal would be to reach as many people as possible and encourage them to participate.  The Survey will be publicized by a Town-wide mailing, ads in the News Guide, postings around Town, and Planning & Zoning tab as well as the Home Page on  Our current Town Plan and Maps can be found here.

You can keep track of our efforts by visiting the tabs mentioned above and find Agendas and approved minutes and periodic updates.  Please consider participating in person at our meetings or send us your thoughts and comments to

STR Ordinance Update 1-28-24:  The Town has received the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) legal review comments and will undertake revising the STR Ordinance to incorporate the VLCT review recommendations.  The comments are comprehensive and point out the need for predictability in judicial interpretation by improving consistency, conciseness, specificity, and clarity in our STR Ordinance.  The Winhall Planning Commission will undertake the revision process at our regular meetings which are held in person at 7:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Winhall Town Hall.  To find out if STR review will be discussed at a given meeting, check the agenda for each meeting; posted above on this page.

Warning for Town Plan Amendment Meeting December 19, 2023

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Minutes of 06.04.2024

Meeting Minutes of 04.02.2024

Meeting Minutes of 03.19.2024

Meeting Minutes of 02.20.2024

Meeting Minutes of 02.06.2024

Meeting Minutes of 01.18.2024

Meeting Minutes of 12.19.2023

Meeting Minutes of 10.17.2023

Meeting Minutes of 10.03.2023

Meeting Minutes of 09.19.2023

Meeting Minutes for 2023

Meeting Minutes for 2022

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